Some Kentucky interstates have a large amount of fatal collisions each year. While many aspects that contribute to these collisions are preventable, like speeding, distracted driving, and drunk driving, the numbers are still high.
Kentucky driving laws state that drivers under 18 aren’t allowed to use cell phones, but drivers over 18 can use their phones except for texting, which is illegal. However, when drivers depend on their phones for GPS or talk to someone, their attention isn’t completely on the road. This could lead to the high number of accidents on the interstate.
When you’re in a car accident, it can drastically alter your life, even if it’s for a short time. The injuries need time to heal but you might be worrying about paying for hospital bills and missing work. Sometimes, people go back to work too early and make their injuries worse. You don’t deserve to deal with this kind of stress. The Law Office of Todd W. Burris in Lexington, Kentucky might be able to help you get compensation that will cover your expenses, damages to your car, pain and suffering costs, and lost wages.
Which Highways Are the Most Dangerous?
In the Kentucky Traffic Collision Facts guide from 2015, it was stated that 11 percent of roadway collisions happened on interstates. In that 11 percent, people lost their lives, sustained injuries, and property was damaged:
- 69 fatal collisions.
- 2,166 nonfatal injuries.
- 12,170 counts of property damage.
On the Kentucky interstates, there were 14,405 total collisions. The breakdown of collisions are as follows:
- I-75. This highway had the highest amount of crashes and deaths with 3,658 collisions and 19 fatal collisions.
- I-65. The second highest accident amount had 2,837 collisions and 13 fatal collisions.
- I-64. The I-64 isn’t much lower than the I-65 with 2,290 collisions and 15 fatal collisions.
The rest of the interstates in Kentucky don’t come close to the numbers of the highways above, but there are still significant amounts of collisions on these roads.
- I-264. 1,749 collisions and 4 fatal collisions.
- I-71. 1,163 collisions and 7 fatal collisions.
- I-275. 896 collisions and 4 fatal collisions.
- I-265. 795 collisions and 3 fatal collisions.
- I-24. 615 collisions and 4 fatal collisions.
- I-471. 402 collisions and 0 fatal collisions.
Driving Safety Tips
When you engage in safe driving behaviors, you’re being a responsible driver who also improves the safety of others around you. These tips will help you stay safe on the road and give you more time if you need to make a quick decision while driving.
- Drive Defensively. Staying a few car lengths behind others and obeying the speed limit will allow you to drive comfortably and not make others nervous on the road. If the car in front of you needs to stop quickly, you’ll have time and space to slow your car down.
- Avoid Distractions. Committing to not paying attention to your phone while driving is tough for people, but checking your phone while driving endangers you and everyone around you. Phones aren’t the only distraction. Eating and changing the radio station also keep you from giving your full attention to the road.
- Check Weather. Look at the forecast and see if you’re supposed to get any storms while you’re driving. If you don’t have to get on the road, maybe consider waiting until the forecast is clear. If you are driving in inclement weather, slow down and make sure your lights are on, or consider pulling over and waiting for the storm to pass.
Do You Need a Kentucky Car Accident Lawyer?
Have you or a loved one been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault in Kentucky? The Law Office of Todd W. Burris wants to help you.
We understand how difficult this time can be, and we believe in standing up for others who can’t stand up for themselves. We’ll fight for your right to get compensation, so you can focus on recovering and getting back to your daily life as soon as possible.
Call us today at (859) 252-2222 for a free consultation.